Welcome! Thanks for checking out my blog. This is my attempt to see as many bird species in 2013 as possible without using any fossil fuels. It's certainly going to be a fun and rewarding year. Hope you enjoy following it.
Hi there...not sure how I stumbled upon this but very cool hobby you have! What a great culmination of talents, passion and gusto for something most people take for granted. I hope that your efforts were enjoyable to you and help raise awareness your area for preserving the small, beautiful things in life...they aren't so small and insignificant after all.
Hi there...not sure how I stumbled upon this but very cool hobby you have! What a great culmination of talents, passion and gusto for something most people take for granted. I hope that your efforts were enjoyable to you and help raise awareness your area for preserving the small, beautiful things in life...they aren't so small and insignificant after all.